Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Growing Up

What a difference 2 weeks make! The chicks have grown a lot!
Yesterday we added a clump of dirt and a small roost to the brooder.


  1. Patrick! What cute chicks you have! Which one is your favorite? What's a "small roost"? You will have to educate us city folk!

    1. My favorite is Esmeralda, she is the smallest chick. She has the most feathers. I think she's the softest also. A roost is something the chickens like to sit on. I used a 1/2 inch thick dowel and one of the boards I broke in karate as the end pieces.

  2. Nice job with heavy machinery! Will you come and install a new door at our house, please? ;)


I am writing this blog with my 10 year old son, so please keep it child-friendly!